Thursday, November 6, 2014

Assignment 11/6/14

The first issue I would like to speak on is a possible educational reform that should happen within the county. I had a fellow student mention that the high school isn't even in the top 100 high school of the state; there are many classes that don't even have certified teachers. I have been in higher math classes with a substitute teacher for most of a semester and then not receiving the best education in that field. There are also some teachers as well as students that have a lack of will to educate and be educated. To fix this I will try and provide more money to educational institutes and programs instead of sports or even some policy rules; the attitude will be harder to fix and it is something we need to work better at.

Natural resources are a huge boost to the economy within the county and around us. I believe that we can continue to fuel those ideas and look for other possible sources of energy. We can continue to draw the energy from our Earth and watch how it helps our present economic situation.

I want to improve how the people in my county get to work so I will provide programs and assistance to state road workers and provide funding to repair any roads. When the winter storms hit last year

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