Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Notes on European Industrial and Agricultural Revolutions

 1600's had subsistance  farming, which is farming that of what your family only needs until next year.

Middle to end of 1700's is where the encloser movement happens, fencing all the common or shared ground off.  People that had smaller families had their farms taken away and given to larger farm owners, had to become tenant farmers. Those that couldn't be tenant farmers were forced to move to cites. Since farms are now bigger, farmers are growing more out of their crops and start to look for efficiency.

 Gentleman named Jefthroy Toll concerned about the amount of seed by hand seeding, which is just throwing the seed out there invented the seed drill which made it more efficient to plant seeds.
 Go into crop rotation, which is were they rotated the crops between different land that you plant them in. Go from a wooden plows to metal plow. Created a replacable plow, where all you had to do was replace the blades.

People went into cities to find work. Great Britian is now the leader of the Industrial Revolution in Europe. Had a lot of resources, like coal and iron ore; also had rivers that provided food, energy, transportation; some disadvantages were could getting  clogged up, flooding, droughting.

Textile Industry, most made clothing by hand until mechaninazation, now made clothing with machines that can do more than 100,000  times speed. Factory system comes into play.
Steam engine is finally made, that power factories, boats and trains. Communications becomes quicker.
Factors of production = land, natural resources, labor

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Peter Brueghel

Born in Brueghel
Later married his mentor's daughter
1551 he was called a master in a  painters guild
Settled in Brueghel 10 years later permanantly
Nicknamed Brughel the Peasant
Specialized in genre paintings
45 surviving paintings
Pioneer of Netherlandish genre painting
 Painted Peasants Dance  painting that relied realism

Notes on people

Armetmisia Gentileschia
Born in rome
Father was great influence to her
genesis woman
pictures of strong women including self portait
most important women painter of early modern Europe
Sir Thomas More
Known as Saint
author, statesman
important counselor
wrote  Utopia
 Martin Luther
Born in 1483 into strict Catholic family
family wanted him to be lawyer
wrote 95 thesis
was a rebel
Prince Henry of Portugal
Third child of Henry the first
Duke of Viseu
established center of navigation and exploration
Maguel Decervantes
Born in 1547 died 1616
Spanish novelist, first European novel
wrote Don Quixote
named prince of wits
Louis Nove
Born in 1522
Member of Lion Borgose
married in her early twenties
Lived in country- side
author who encouraged woment to write books
Philepo Barnecella
Born in Florence
formulated techniquees for construction equipment
helped build many churches
built a dome for the Florence Cathedral
Ambrose Pera
French surgeaon
born in 1510 in France
great official royal surgeaon
father of modern surgeon and pathology
published a book
wrote a book on midwifery
first one to use bandages
Nicolanus Copernicus
published theory that the Earth was not the center of the universe

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Notes on Presentations with Renaissance

Robert Hooke
Born July 28th 1635
Died March 3rd 1703
 English natuaral philospher, architect, polymath,
Discovered law of elastisy
Devepled compound microscope
wrote the book Prince
historian, sketchwrite,
John Calvin
July 10th 1509
 Born in Noynon,
Supported Roman Catholic church
moved to Orleans to study civil laws
moved to Genova, threatened by God
precher then teacher
Died 1564
Christopher Columbus
Born 1451 died 1506
Spanish explorer, sailed around in searching for a way to Asia but achieved fame from discovering South Americans
Claimed large land for Spain
Gailo Galeo
Made telescope, considered father of modern science
Observation of natuaral and of asking question How
Description of the motion of uniformly objects
 Leonardo Da Vinci
Painted the Last Supper, Mona Lisa
Renaissance man, sketched flying machines and cars plus tanks
Italian painter, arcitect,
Considered greatest artist
Sistine Chapel ceiling
Wiliam Shakespear
wrote Romeo and Juliet among others
Andreas Vesalius
published detailed descriptions of the human anatomy

Johannes Gutenburg

Born 1395 in Mainz, Germany
Started experimenting with printin as early as 1438
First book ever printed was his " Forty-Two Line" Bible
Obtained Financing with Johann Fust in 1455
Remained basic elements of type setting for over 500 years
Fust was impatiant and foaght with him often

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Catherine of Aragon

      Catherine of Aragon was the youngest surviving child of Ferdinand and Isabella of spain. When she was sixteen, she made the travel to England. She married Arthur, the son of Henry VII, but died six months later. Her daughters name was Mary. In 1533, he title queen was renounced to princess, dowager of Whales. Catherine and her daughter was seperated when she left court. On January 7th, 1536, Catherine died.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Even More Notes........

Catholic Church lost sith of its spirutual mission
The pope did not set an example of moral leadership
Priest engagaed in misconduct
Church became interested in money more than souls
No central government in Germay
tetzel began selling indulgences( pardons of sins), Martin Luther believed in justifacation- wrote 95 theseis nails on Church doors in Wittenburg, banned from church
Luther summoned to appear in the Imperial Diet in Worms which was metting of the Catholic Church
Lutther is commanded to refuse his beliefs
Luther is banished and his works are banished
Luther translets the Bible into German'
Luther's works and ideas continue to spread
Luther estabilished 1st Protestant Church
1st denomination was Lutheranism