Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bell RInger 4/25/12

Transportation and communication spread the Industrial Revolution immensely by mingling with other people faster and better.
Women and children lives changed for they actually got to work for once, although they didn't recieve much pay for a while.
Methods of production changed because they were looking for efficiency
Machinery working increased the efficiency by a lot and the work conditons became poor for the owners were thinking in the "mind" set of machines.
Inventions in the textile industry lead to more inventions because they get thinking of how to better effieciency and all that.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bell Ringer 4/24/12

I think that blaming the video game is a ridicoulesss statement and those who believe it's true are truly idiotic. Like the people were saying there were other influences involved in his actions. These are my thoughts about this bellringer.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Answer to Bell Ringer 4/11/12

We discussed this topic during classe; I think he should have been fired for the comment he made since it is bashing a certain race and America is trying to stay away from racial comments.

Answer to the Bell Ringer 4/16/2012

I think that the most important invention in the European society is the spinning jenny for it doubled the amount of products we could produce in the textile industry. This way we were protected from wind and stuff, it also allowed us to make blankets so we were kept warm.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Resolutions due on 26th during seventh period.
Ranked resolutions given back 27th
Starting May 2 and then from there.

Notes on new project

UN governement body for the world, help in time of crisis for the different countries, put taxes on country.
Mock UN
Find a problem in country, write a 20-lined resolution= what and why is the problem how to solve
Has to tell where money is coming from     

Visual aid

Question, comment, amendment
"Madam Chair will the author yeild a question?
"My country speaks out in favor or opposition."
"My country proposes an amendment"

Speak 15 times

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Some more notes on Industrial Revolution

society that is based on agriculture is called agrairain
society based on industry is called industrial
production becomes faster
apprenticeship is out the window and cuts the training time in half
pay is based on how long you work instead of how much you made, hourly work pay
Women and children started to work in this factory and were cheaper to pay

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Notes on Models

Cast Iron Plow
1. INvented in 1797
2. New plow reinforced by metal
3. Parts didn't need replenishing as often
Spring Tooth Harro
1. INvented in 1869
2. Used for soil cultivation
3. Iron- teeth cultivates
Flying Shuttle
1. Weaving industry
2. Invented by John Kay
3. Doubled the weaving
Mooled Board Plow
1. Helped farmers get better soil
2. Pulverized soil sometimes
Corn Picker
1. Made in 1850
2. Invented by Edward Quincy
3. Made because Quincy had less workers to pick corn
Grain Elevator
1. INvented by Joseph Dart
2. Held grain
3. INcreased production time
1. Hiram Moore was inventor
2. Had removable heads
3. Used to harvest crops
Cotton Gin
1. Invented by 1793
2. Made by Eli Whitney
3. Removed things from fabrics of cotton

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Notes on European Industrial and Agricultural Revolutions

 1600's had subsistance  farming, which is farming that of what your family only needs until next year.

Middle to end of 1700's is where the encloser movement happens, fencing all the common or shared ground off.  People that had smaller families had their farms taken away and given to larger farm owners, had to become tenant farmers. Those that couldn't be tenant farmers were forced to move to cites. Since farms are now bigger, farmers are growing more out of their crops and start to look for efficiency.

 Gentleman named Jefthroy Toll concerned about the amount of seed by hand seeding, which is just throwing the seed out there invented the seed drill which made it more efficient to plant seeds.
 Go into crop rotation, which is were they rotated the crops between different land that you plant them in. Go from a wooden plows to metal plow. Created a replacable plow, where all you had to do was replace the blades.

People went into cities to find work. Great Britian is now the leader of the Industrial Revolution in Europe. Had a lot of resources, like coal and iron ore; also had rivers that provided food, energy, transportation; some disadvantages were could getting  clogged up, flooding, droughting.

Textile Industry, most made clothing by hand until mechaninazation, now made clothing with machines that can do more than 100,000  times speed. Factory system comes into play.
Steam engine is finally made, that power factories, boats and trains. Communications becomes quicker.
Factors of production = land, natural resources, labor

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Peter Brueghel

Born in Brueghel
Later married his mentor's daughter
1551 he was called a master in a  painters guild
Settled in Brueghel 10 years later permanantly
Nicknamed Brughel the Peasant
Specialized in genre paintings
45 surviving paintings
Pioneer of Netherlandish genre painting
 Painted Peasants Dance  painting that relied realism

Notes on people

Armetmisia Gentileschia
Born in rome
Father was great influence to her
genesis woman
pictures of strong women including self portait
most important women painter of early modern Europe
Sir Thomas More
Known as Saint
author, statesman
important counselor
wrote  Utopia
 Martin Luther
Born in 1483 into strict Catholic family
family wanted him to be lawyer
wrote 95 thesis
was a rebel
Prince Henry of Portugal
Third child of Henry the first
Duke of Viseu
established center of navigation and exploration
Maguel Decervantes
Born in 1547 died 1616
Spanish novelist, first European novel
wrote Don Quixote
named prince of wits
Louis Nove
Born in 1522
Member of Lion Borgose
married in her early twenties
Lived in country- side
author who encouraged woment to write books
Philepo Barnecella
Born in Florence
formulated techniquees for construction equipment
helped build many churches
built a dome for the Florence Cathedral
Ambrose Pera
French surgeaon
born in 1510 in France
great official royal surgeaon
father of modern surgeon and pathology
published a book
wrote a book on midwifery
first one to use bandages
Nicolanus Copernicus
published theory that the Earth was not the center of the universe

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Notes on Presentations with Renaissance

Robert Hooke
Born July 28th 1635
Died March 3rd 1703
 English natuaral philospher, architect, polymath,
Discovered law of elastisy
Devepled compound microscope
wrote the book Prince
historian, sketchwrite,
John Calvin
July 10th 1509
 Born in Noynon,
Supported Roman Catholic church
moved to Orleans to study civil laws
moved to Genova, threatened by God
precher then teacher
Died 1564
Christopher Columbus
Born 1451 died 1506
Spanish explorer, sailed around in searching for a way to Asia but achieved fame from discovering South Americans
Claimed large land for Spain
Gailo Galeo
Made telescope, considered father of modern science
Observation of natuaral and of asking question How
Description of the motion of uniformly objects
 Leonardo Da Vinci
Painted the Last Supper, Mona Lisa
Renaissance man, sketched flying machines and cars plus tanks
Italian painter, arcitect,
Considered greatest artist
Sistine Chapel ceiling
Wiliam Shakespear
wrote Romeo and Juliet among others
Andreas Vesalius
published detailed descriptions of the human anatomy

Johannes Gutenburg

Born 1395 in Mainz, Germany
Started experimenting with printin as early as 1438
First book ever printed was his " Forty-Two Line" Bible
Obtained Financing with Johann Fust in 1455
Remained basic elements of type setting for over 500 years
Fust was impatiant and foaght with him often

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Catherine of Aragon

      Catherine of Aragon was the youngest surviving child of Ferdinand and Isabella of spain. When she was sixteen, she made the travel to England. She married Arthur, the son of Henry VII, but died six months later. Her daughters name was Mary. In 1533, he title queen was renounced to princess, dowager of Whales. Catherine and her daughter was seperated when she left court. On January 7th, 1536, Catherine died.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Even More Notes........

Catholic Church lost sith of its spirutual mission
The pope did not set an example of moral leadership
Priest engagaed in misconduct
Church became interested in money more than souls
No central government in Germay
tetzel began selling indulgences( pardons of sins), Martin Luther believed in justifacation- wrote 95 theseis nails on Church doors in Wittenburg, banned from church
Luther summoned to appear in the Imperial Diet in Worms which was metting of the Catholic Church
Lutther is commanded to refuse his beliefs
Luther is banished and his works are banished
Luther translets the Bible into German'
Luther's works and ideas continue to spread
Luther estabilished 1st Protestant Church
1st denomination was Lutheranism

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

More notes........On Renaissance

Renaissance means "rebirth"
Renaissance started in Florence, Italy
Medici family were the forerunners, Lorenzo medici
humanists someone who returns to the classics
Italian artists relied on perspective
Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel ceiling
Michelangelo's most famous sculptor is the Pieta only thing he signed
Leonardo da Vinci was an amazing man that did a lot of stuff
Rafeal famous for frescoes
Titian famous for the assumption of the Virgin
Frencesco Petrarch wrote peotry, specifically sonnets to an imaginary women named Laura
Niccolo Machiavelli Florentine writer, wrote The Prince, wrote about how governemnt should be

Thursday, February 23, 2012

First person Rennaissance

      It was fun to grow up in Florence, where mostly everything was related some way to art. So it was no surprise when I became an amazing artist. My first apprenticeship was in a gold smith's workshop and then I studied under Lorenzo Ghiberti. I received some payment at gold smith work shops but my big pay load was assisting Ghiberti. I helped to construct some statues of prophets in the north door of the Florence Baptistiery. I also created one of the first central-point perspective sculptors on the base of Saint George and the Dragon.  I also collaborated with Michelozzo to help make the funeral monument of Antipope John XXIII for the Battistero in Florence. I also have to honor bestowed upon me to have built the first major art work of sculptor in the Renaissance period. You might have heard of this creation for it is the most famous of my works, David, which was also the first free-standing nude statue since ancient times. After some time in Florence I moved to Rome and made two artworks there, the Tomb of Giovanni Crivelli and Ciborium. Then I returned home and made my last collaborative work with Michelozzo the marble pulpit on the facade of Prato cathedral. I was a pioneer in the Renaissance era for not only did i create the first central-point perspective sculpture but also example of a lay bust portrait called Young Man with a Cameo. After that I spent my last years in Florence collaborating with amazing artists until I finally died and was buried next to Cosimo de'Medici the Elder.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Renaissance meant rebirth
Isabella d'Este filled her palace with painteings and sculptures in Mantua
Humanists studied grammer history peotry, rhetoric
Fransceseco Petrach lived from 1304 to 1374 and was first humanists
Niccolol Machiavelli wasa a Florentine doplimat and historian, wrote The Prince
Perspective painting is making distant objects smaller than those in the foreground
Leanardo da Vinci who lived from 1452 to 1519, was architect engineer sculuptor, and scientist .
His most famous painting is the Mona Lisa
He also had many schematics for things way ahead of his time
Another Reniassance artist named Michelangelo lived from 1475 to 1564
He painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
Rafeal painted frescoes in papel chambers
Titian painted The Assumption of the Virgin
Section 2
Around 1450 Johannes Gutenburg of Mainz became first European to use movable type to print books
He printed many copies of the Bible
By 1475 printing presses operated in most European countries
Desoderois Eras, lived from 1466 to 1536 and was one of most infuential humanists
His most famous book was The Praaise of Folly
Thomas More was an English humanists
Published Utopia in 1516
Made More a saint after she got exacuted
Flemish school were painters credited with perfecting techniques
The two Flemish brother, Jan and Huburt can Eyck, made an alter-piece painted for church in Ghent
Pieter Brueghel painted scenes of village festivites
Albrecht Durere lived from 1471 to 1528.
He was famous for his copper engravings and woodcuts
Hans Holbien was another artist in 1500's
Work of European artists continued to reflect ideas of Christian humansism

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Noters on Middle Ages

The Black Death- Began in 1347 and originated in Asia. Black Rats carried the disease, about 25 million people died in Europe from 1347 to 1351
 Dante Aligheri and Geoffrey Chaucer- Dante was norn in Tuscany, Italy wrote poems and is believed to be father of Italian language; Chaucer's most famous work is the "Canterburry Tales" chaucer wrote in common langueage not language of nobles
Univerities of Paris and Oxford excelled in teaching technolosgy and other stuffs
Scholasticism was the attempt to bring faith and reason together
Greatest Medievel philispher was Thoma Aquinas
The Hundred Year's War- In 1337 it began and lasted 116 years ; At battle of Agincourt English used longbows and took down French foot soldiers ; castles no longer provided protection
War of Roses- war between two fuding families, white rose was badge of House of York, red rose was of Lancaster house; In 1485 Henry Tudor was for the Lancaster house
Joan of Arc- helped Charles VII was crowned king of France
Louis XI succeded Charles VII as king of France
Habsburg became most powerful family in Europe

Black History Month

Colin Powell
1. He was Secretary of State and served security advisor to Ronald Reagan.
2. Born in Harlem, New York
3. Wemt to City College of New York
4. In 1962 he was stationed in Fort Devans, Massachusets
5. In 1987 Powell replaced Carlucci as security advisor
Langston Hughes
1. Born in Joplin Missouri on February 1st 1902
2. Won ab athletic letter in track
3. In 1923 he signed on as steward to a freighter
4. He wrote "Not Without Laughter" in 1930
5. He recieved the Anisfield-Wolf Award in 1953
Tiger Woods
1.Born 1975 in Orlando, Florida
2. Won 2 titles and finished in top 10 of 5 Golf Tours
3. In 2000 capped off an impressive first half of year his third major
4. December SAG slapped him 100,000$ fine
5. First player in history to sweep all four major tournaments in a row
Sojourner Truth
1. Born into slavery
2. Early years documented in The Narrative of Sojourner Truth
3. In 1827 Truth fled Dumont's farm
4. In 1851 active in suffrage fefatured speaker
5. Continued to support her people after Emancipaion Proclemation
George Washington Carver
1. Started his life as a slave
2. Responsibility of his education was his hands
3.Sketched "Ycca Gloriosa" in 1893 amd won frist prize World's Columbian Exposition
4. In 1896 recieved unique offer to teach at Tuskegee Institution
5.Created 60 products from the pecan
Benjamin Bannek
1. Grew up in Maryland
2. His specially designed wheat prevented U.S. Troops from starving
3. Published an almanac that became best seller from Maryland to Kentucky
4. Was placed on planning committee to develop nationals capital
5. In 1880 Postal Service issued stamps to commemortate him
Harriat Tubman'
1. Born into slavery in Maryland
2. Escaped from slavery in South a year before Civil War broke out
3. Started the underground railroad
4. In 1844 married John Tubman
5. Started to free her family then included any slave
Jesse Owens
1. Born September 12th, 1913
2. Owens ran 100-yard in 10 seconds
3. Won four gold medals at 1936
4. Jimmy Carter awarded with a Living Legends Awards
5. He earned a Congressional Gold Medal 10 years after he died
lois Armstrong
1. Born in New Orleans, Loisoamama.
2. He was a jazz musician and entertainer
3. He grew up in a deprived situation, both physically and mentally
4. In 1922 Joseph Oliver brought him to Chicago to play with the legendary Creole Jazz Band
5. In 1960 was still singing and playing but soon stopped after that due to injury on his lip
Muhammad Ali
1. Born January 17th 1942
2. In 1960 won gold medal in Olympic Games in lightweight devision
3. Began boxing at age 12
4. At age 22 became heavyweight champion of the world
5. In 1980 he supported Jimmy Carter and the Democratic Party
Fredrick Douglas
1. He was the foremost African American abolitionist
2. In 1825 his masters sent him to live with Hugh Auld
3. In 1838 impersonated a African American sailor papers
4. In 1863 he was asked to recruit some colored soldiers for the Civil War
5. In 1870 him and his sons began publishing New National Era newspaper
Mae Jemison
1. He was an astronaut and physician
2. In 1977 recieved B.S. in chemical engineering
3. In 1981 she obtained her M.D.
4. Became first African American women to be admitted into the atronaut program
5. In 1992 she was awarded the Ebony Black Achievement Award
Crispus Attucks
1. First to die in the Boston Massacre
2. He was escaped slave
3. Was a whaler and reporter
4. Worked as a ropemaker
5. Learned to read and write and studied government
James Madison
1.Oldest of nine children
2. Preacher when he was a teenager
3. Wrote a semi-biography Go Tell it on a Mountain.
4. Lived in France for a couple years
5. Perticapated in the march with Martin Luther King JR.
Guion Blueford
1. First African- American in space
2. Flew as a mission specelist
3. Got a PhD.
4. Colonel in Air Force
5. Logged 688 hours in space

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Notes on a video

5,500 magazines
Newspaper down 7 million
95% of all songs downloaded werent paid for
Nikia makes 13 cell phones per second
during presentation 60  babies were born in U. S
10 years ago not many college majors existed
70% of 4 year olds have used a computer
Number of texts sent and recieved exceed population
China will soon be #1 english speaking country
top ten jobs in 2010 were non existant in 2004
31 billion searches on google every month
First conversational text was sent in December 1992
540,000 English words
2013 a super computer will be able to exced brain functions

Monday, January 30, 2012

Notes on Crusades

 The Crusades started around the 1000's when Seljuq Turks gained control of Palestine which was the "Holy Land" to the Christians
Around 10,0000 Europeans took up the cause of the Crusades
First Crusade began in 1096 to 1099,- french and italian lords led several armies from Europe to Constantinople. Despite lack of supplies they captured Antioch. Crusaders marched on and finally captured Jerusalum and massacred all the people inside.
Second Crusade started in 1147 when Turks began taking back cities that Christians took. King Louis VII of France and German King Conrad III led two seperate armies, they lost the city and in 1149 went back to Europe in disgrace.
In 1187 Muslim leader Saladin gained the control of Jerusalum. Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, King Philip II , and King Richard I of England led seperate armies to try to recapture the Holy Land, they failed. Richard made a truce which allowed Christians to own some coastal towns and let Christians go to Jerusalum freely.

Pope Innocent III gathered some knights that attacked some Christians city. These knights were Venetians and gained control Byzantine trade. Byzantinian Empire fell in 1453 to the Turks
Children's Crusade were in 1212 , young people marched to the Holy Land with inadequate equipment and training. Crusades continued till 1291 when Muslims captured Acre.
Through the Crusades they learned about gunpowder, use catepalts.Also more nobles died in the fighting, with that European Kings grew stronger; plus the Christian church became more powerful.
During the crusades the traded ideas and improved trading routes

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Vow on Silence

      The vow of silence was an interesting day and activity. For me it was really hard since I like to talk a lot and really don't like to be quiet. Although it was very hard and excruciating I think I pulled it alright and did an alright job with it. If I had to take the Vow of Silence for a whole day my day would be completely boring and one the most terrible days that I would have lived. I understand the importance of this but I highly doubt that I could function like this for very long since I'm very talkative and loud. Usually the best parts of my day are when I'm in lunch and am talking with my friends and joking with them about a lot of different things. I have learned that I would never become a monk and take the vow of Silence for another moment of my life. The skills necessary to complete this task is a calm head and really shy nature. Also something that you have to have the the skill to control your urges, like if you have an urge to argue with somebody then you have to try and control yourself not to argue with that person. This Vow of Silence was a very amusing activity for it made me think how mute people live their lives and how much they would give to talk, if only for a couple of hours, they would be marveled at the power the human tongue.

Notes on Middle Ages

Took baths once a month,wore same clothes cause they had only one outfit. Used lavender flowers and mint in water to cleanse themselves;they were used to keeping fleas away since they had animals and straw in their houses
Chairman- comes from Middle Ages since the head man sat in the one chair they had
The whole household would pile onta a lump of straw that they called a mattress, animals were welcome to lay with them to keep them warm
Traveled from town to town and sang for food, songs were about love or kings of old, they would strum a lute or guitar

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Anglo-Saxons- two Germanic tribes combined to create England
Shires- like sheriffs
Alfred the Great- first Anglo-Saxon king
Edward the Confessor-last Anglo-Saxon king, his death startled a Civil War between William Duke of Normandy Harold Godwenson
Battle of Hastings-a battle that was basically over before it started
William the Conqueror- first to collect census since Roman Times, create DomesDay book, nicknamed Doomsday Book
Henry 1 is succesor to William the Conqueror
Henry 2nd and Thomas Beckat are bestfriends but Henry starts to come up with the idea of holding the church accountable to laws. Becket is archbishop and disagrees and the arguement gets out of control, Henry says he should die and four knights obey the king's orders. After that Henry's career is finished and Becket is late made a saint\
John took up the throne after Henry the 2nd-put heavy taxes on English people
People met Runnymead and create the Magna Carta, Latin for Great Charter, 1215 is when King John signed it
Magan Carta-This document restricted the king's power and made sure that there was a fair trial for any wrong doings,At the end of the Magan Carta it states that if the king doesn't obey these rules then a group of people could overthrow the king

Thursday, January 12, 2012

United Kingdom

      I would like to go to the United Kingdom because it seems pretty cool and beautiful. The  first place I would is to Oxford University, since that is the place they filmed the Harry Potter films and I would like to study there. Next I would go to Wales to go to the Cathedral Caves. Then I would head off to Scotland to see Edinbourough Castle. Also I would visit Glasgow in Scotland and see what it's like.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Facts about Pop-up Books

1 Serbian is language spoken
2 They have a diner where you can dine and shop.
3. Literary system going back to Middle Ages
4. They are very religion orientated
5. No preschool education in Bosnia
1. Daniel Acuran was a famous author that is from Peru.
2. Marcos Montalo is a famous children's book writer
3. Play complex clapping game
4. Wear mix of prehistoric and Euopean clothes sometimes to honor the past
5. Macha Pichu is most famous tourist attraction from the Incan civilazation
1. Only South American country to not speak Spanish
2.Indigious people started most folk tales
3. Government is Presidental Representative Deomocratic Republic
4.  The food is has a variety because of different crops
5. 1/4 of kids don't attend the schools
1. In Zimbabwe they speak English and a mix of other languages
2. "Why the Crocidile has hard, scaly skin"  is a children's book
3. National food is Sodsa
4. 700 A.D Persians traded Zimbabwe for ivory and other materials.
5. 1500's Christianity was introduced
1. 99% of people speak Greek
2. "The Tortoise and the Hare" famous children story written by Aesop
3. Government is Parliment Democratic Republic
4. Independance Day is March 25th
5. 1996 Tension rise between Turkey and Greece
1. Fernando Pasoa was a famous author
2. "Fly Ladybug Fly" is a weird children's story
3. Government is Parlimentary Republic
4. Desert is custard that has a lot of eggs and dairy products
5. Patala is a famous tourist attraction
Haley T.-Switzerland
1. Capital is Burne for Switzerland
2. Albert Stephan was famous poet, wrote "Death experiances
3. Building blocks are common toys
4. Meat balls and cream sauce is a common dish
5. Independance Day is June 6th for Switzerland
1.Alphabet has 28 letters, all consanants
2. "Draw my Father" was a nursery rhyme
3. Teach French in the 3rd grade
4. Eat mostly lamb and fish
5. Weddings last up to two days and can have up to four wives
1. Herman Hess wrote "Sedartha"
2. Erik Castel was a famous children's author
3. Givernment is Federal Parliment Republic
4. Creamy onion soup is Swotha
5.Subterranean Zits is a intriguing tourist attraction
1.Native language is English
2. Rihanna, the singer, is from Barbados
3. Children recieve shovels and pales since they live on beach
4. Government is Parlimental Democracy
5.Dolphin is a delicacy to eat in Barbados
1.Natso Goshu is a famous author from Japan
2.Best educated populated country
3. Kites are given as toys in Japan
4. Constitutional Monarchy is their government
5.Disrespectuful is you don't eat sushi in one bite
1.People speak English and Hindu
2.Joseph Rama wrote "Basis at Sea"
3. "Monkey and the Croc" is most famous folk tale
4. You can't wear hats in village and leave shoes outside of house
5.Beaches are the most prominent tourist attractions
1.Carde Grose is a famous author in Italy
2 "Clap your Hands" is a famous children's story
3.Italians make a lot of homemade bread
4.Tower of Pissa is a famous tourist attraction
5. They have someone like Saint Nicholis
1. In Egypt the speak some dialect of Arabic
2. "The Crow" was written by Adab el
3. "Steam train Coming" is a little nursery
4. Had a part in the invention of the spinning top
5. Most educated schools in the region
1. Ceaser Ara is a famous author in Argentina
2. "The Magic Bean Tree" is a children's story that is famous
3. Government is a Republic
4. Businesses close at lunch since it is a big meal of the day
5. Igaza falls is a famous tourist attractions
1. Victor Hugo wrote "Hunchback of Notre Dame
2. They have toy libraries to "check out" toys
3. Cheese and Wine are major and dinner is main meal
4. 58 B.C Galic Wars start
5. Palace of MErsalis is a famous tourist attraction
1. Government is Unitary Parlimentary Democracy
2. One of largest armies in the world
3. Average IQ in Thailand is 98
4. Highest Literacy rate in the World
5. Currency is the Baht
1. Mostly Roman Catholic in Panama
2. Allen Paten is a famous author from Panama
3. Government is a Constitutional Republic
4. Education is similar to ours
5. Panama City is the capital
1. David Russel is a Scottish guitarrist
2. Government is Exucative Arm
3. Banicks is a form of flatcakes
4. They get paid for going to school after age 16
5. International History of Scotland
Josh-United Kingdom
1. J.K Rowling is a famous author that wrote the Harry Potter series
2. Cricket is a popular sport in the U.K
3. Triffles is a popular food, desert
4. Big Ben is famous tourist attraction
5. Fish and Chips is Fish and french fries
1.Ogam was used before Irish literature
2. "The Letter" is a game like "Duck,Duck, Goose"
3. Meals are made of vegetables,meat, and fish
4. Saint Patrick was a teacher of Christianity in Ireland
5. Down Patrick is a faomous tourist attraction
1. La Pez is the capital
2. Giavona Rivera is a famous author from Bolivia
3. "Humpty Dumpty" is a famous nursery rhyme
4. Play educational games when they get to together
5. Moon Valley is a popular tourist attraction
1. Mala is the main language
2. Gene Joseph is a famous author from Madagascar
3. "Roll the Dough" is a nursery rhyme
4. Robocca is a form of tag children play
5. Central Highlands is a famous tourist attraction
Chase- Venuzuela
1. Hose Balso is an author from Venuzuela
2. Marbles are traditional toys
3. Government is Federal Republic
4. Angel Falls is world's longest waterfall
5. Beaches are very popular and prominent
1. Tourist's like to go to the famous Ice Hotel
2. Peter Paul was a famous author from Sweden
3. Ashton Lingredon is a children's story writer
4. Stew is a popular dish in Swedish culture
5. All Adult population can read and write
Kelsey-El Salvador
1. San Salvador is the capital
2. Some natives still speak their language
3. Poetry is most famous form of written
4. Traditional food is made with corn
5. La Pute de Diablo is a famous cliff dwelling
