Thursday, February 23, 2012

First person Rennaissance

      It was fun to grow up in Florence, where mostly everything was related some way to art. So it was no surprise when I became an amazing artist. My first apprenticeship was in a gold smith's workshop and then I studied under Lorenzo Ghiberti. I received some payment at gold smith work shops but my big pay load was assisting Ghiberti. I helped to construct some statues of prophets in the north door of the Florence Baptistiery. I also created one of the first central-point perspective sculptors on the base of Saint George and the Dragon.  I also collaborated with Michelozzo to help make the funeral monument of Antipope John XXIII for the Battistero in Florence. I also have to honor bestowed upon me to have built the first major art work of sculptor in the Renaissance period. You might have heard of this creation for it is the most famous of my works, David, which was also the first free-standing nude statue since ancient times. After some time in Florence I moved to Rome and made two artworks there, the Tomb of Giovanni Crivelli and Ciborium. Then I returned home and made my last collaborative work with Michelozzo the marble pulpit on the facade of Prato cathedral. I was a pioneer in the Renaissance era for not only did i create the first central-point perspective sculpture but also example of a lay bust portrait called Young Man with a Cameo. After that I spent my last years in Florence collaborating with amazing artists until I finally died and was buried next to Cosimo de'Medici the Elder.

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